Average driving distance by age and handicap

Are you long or short for your age or handicap? Take a look at the average driving distances for amateur golfers.

Average driving distance by age and handicap
Average driving distance by age and handicap


Average driving distance by age and handicap


Asking a golfer how far he drives the ball is like asking a fisherman the size of his latest catch. Embellishment is a foregone conclusion.

Even so, it seems golfers have been wildly over-estimating their powers. 

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Game Golf have crunched the numbers, and delivered some home truths. The brand’s wearable real-time tracking device allows them to see the average driving distance of its users from April to September last year – and it's sombre reading for most.

Average driving distance by age and handicap

The median driving distance is 219.55 yards, while the average for a three-wood is 186.89 yards, a seven iron 133.48 yards and pitching wedge 73.97 yards.

It also showed users found the fairway 46.46% of the time.

On the PGA Tour, Rory McIlroy was the longest driver in 2017 averaging 317.2 yards, while the Tour average was 293 yards. 

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