Belgian diplomat booted out of golf club over wife's breast-feeding
Tom Neijens says his family were treated like 'terrorists'

BREASTS were the reason for a Belgian diplomat and his family being kicked out of Metropolis Country Club in White Plains, New York recently.
In an interview with the New York Post, Tom Neijens, first secretary of the Belgium Mission to the United Nations, claims the police treated his family like 'terrorists' as they booted them out of the golf club as Neijens and his wife, Roseline, tried to enjoy lunch with their baby daughter Lisa in the 19th.
Neither Neijens or his wife are members of the private club, but Neijens said he was given permission by members of staff to have lunch in the outside terrace of the club.
According to the report, Neijens said they were asked to leave once his wife began to 'discreetly' breast-feed her daughter at the table, and his wife was instructed to conclude the feeding in the bathroom.
"You don’t ask a person to have lunch in the restroom, why would you ask a baby to have lunch there?" said Neijens.
"The detective yelled 'close the doors!' and two other diners were told to leave the terrace. He was walking as if he was acting in a Western movie. He had one hand on his gun, one hand on his Taser."
Neijens added the officer warned the couple they were trespassing and said some people at the club thought they were terrorists because of their black backpack.
When Remans questioned why terrorists would breast-feed at a ritzy golf club, the cop allegedly replied: “In Sri Lanka, babies are used by terrorists.”
The police department tells a different story, however. One that takes the blame off the breasts.
According to The Journal News, Greenburgh Police Chief Joseph DeCarlo said the eviction was simply because the family was trespassing.
“I guess in Belgium, you could just show up at a private country club and eat,” said DeCarlo. “They shouldn’t have been there in the first place. There’s plenty of restaurants in Greenburgh. I would have recommended Benjamin’s, putting it on the Belgian credit card.”