Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid

Golf belts, visors, bright colours - are you doing our sport a disservice with your fashion choices?

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid

Some see golf apparel as a chance to show their aggressive wealth. Some bizarrely see it as a chance to show they like golf (every piece of apparel is golf related).  Some are purely practical in their choices.

Obviously, they are all wrong.

Seemingly, there are many pitfalls golfers can fall into when choosing their golf attire – we see it every time we visit the course. And, sadly, golf has come to be renowned for its terrible wardrobe. Let's face it, we play golf in spite of the attire. 

But we’re here to help.  It’s time to turn the tide. Avoid these fashion mistakes, and you’ll be one step closer to not looking a total prat.

(ps – before you begin writing a strongly worded email regarding the pretention and elitism surrounding golf – much this is meant to be a joke (but not all…))

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid

Long white socks in summer with shorts

The long sports sock with shorts is simply sickening. That’s right, you’re making us feel physically sick with your fashion choices.

With the short must come the ankle sock – every self-respecting golfer knows that.

Really, a pair of shorts is a landmine when it comes to fashion faux pas, so easier to opt for a light chino instead and save yourself the hassle.

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid

Golf belts

You’re playing golf. You like golf. You are a golfer. We get it. Every single piece of attire your don at the course does not need to be golf related.

And that applies to belts. Why can’t you just wear the belt you’ve been wearing with your jeans, that doesn’t come with an offensively large buckle?

Golf belts always seem to be white, or snakeskin patterned. Or something else equally repulsive.

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid

White trousers

You’re not on Tour, and you’re not Richard Branson lounging at Necker Island – do away with the white trousers.

If it’s that hot, go with a pair of shorts.

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid

Base layers

We wear them – but every time we do we hate ourselves a little more. To be clear, we’re talking about the long base layers that cover your throat like a roll neck.

You reach for them when the mercury has plummeted, and you worry for your health outdoors. They are so warm, and really do a job, but my word they look ridiculous.

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid

Bright colours

Eurgh, all those companies making ridiculously brightly coloured clothing. Shame on you!

They should remain the resident of stag and hen dos, and never, ever, ever a choice for the serious golfer.

If you feel you need to wear bright clothing to make up for a lack of personality, we think you should opt for the lesser of the two evils (lack of personality…).

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid

Baggy fits

Stop copying Tiger from the 90s. Don’t drown yourself in your polo and trousers – they should be fitted.

America hasn’t really cottoned onto this throughout society, but Europe – like in the Ryder Cup – is leading the way.

Clothes should be fitted. Not so tight you have trouble bending to pick the ball out the cup, but just so you don’t look like you’ve had a gastric band procedure recently.

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid


“It keeps my head cool” – so do those hats with the little fans on, but we all agree they can’t be worn on the course…the same should be said for visors.

Deep down, golfers that wear visors think they look great because Ian Poulter wears them (don’t get us started on Poulter’s “look” - if you get to the course and look like him, you've made some bad decisions) so they need to be told. And trust us, telling them is kinder than letting them look a moron.

PS – let’s be clear, we’re no talking about the visors one would find in the film Tin Cup. The ones with the super deep front are fine.

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid


Again, it’s another of those choices people make because it’s an easier option – but is it really that hard to tie up your shoelaces?

We’re just not sold on the look of BOA. Let it remain on ski boots and not on the golf course.

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid

Golf sunglasses

Ask yourself the simple question “would these look out of place in the Tour de France or on the cricket field” and if the answer is “yes”, you have made an error. Bad you. 

You don’t need those wraparound specs. They won’t save you shots, they will only serve to make you look like a middle-aged, white, male golfer. And that is exactly what we are trying to avoid.

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid

Anything that’s over technical

Be it shoes, trousers, polos or hats, anything that is loaded with too much tech on the whole makes you look a fool.

Brands don’t want to spend loads on loading their kit with expensive technology that no one can see – that doesn’t sell, apparently. So normally this technology is on show, front and centre. Avoid it.

Golf fashion mistakes you need to avoid

Hybrid golf shoes

Hybrid golf shoes should ONLY be worn on the golf course and never off it. They are so obviously golf shoes – they have studs on the bottom! Is it really that hard to take a spare pair with you?

No, they don’t just look like your “normal” shoes. Or if they do, your problem is too great for us to fix.

Stop walking around town and giving golf a bad name while you do it!

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