Benefits felt for Golfmagic Q-Link testers
Back in July we offered four Golfmagic members the chance to win one of the latest Q-Link pendants and report back with their findings, over a 10 week period.

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Since the Q-Link pendant was launched in 2001, more than 350 Tour pros have worn the various models, recording over 120 victories. Many feel the benefits, while others complain they're short changed.
So what’s the real story? Do they work for the open-minded, internet-using golfers? Here's the results from our very own clinical trials. (No golfers were harmed during the compilation of this article ;o)
Sarah Walton, in a state of permanent stress as a driving instructor, and Nick Roddis, on the verge of moving house and getting married were keen to put Q-Links stress-busting properties to the test.
And both were committed to the research. “I wear it for about 15 - 16 hours a day, but I don't sleep with it on as it isn't comfortable having a cord around your neck” says Sarah. Nick wears his all the time and adds:
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“Although it took a while I’ve grown quite used to it. My sleep improved in terms of both falling asleep more quickly and in terms of quality of sleep. I’ve always been a light sleeper but not since I’ve been wearing the pendant.”
Sarah claims she feels "more energised" but isn't 100% sure whether it was down to the Q-Link pendant or the fact that 'we‘d enjoyed some very good and bright weather at the time."
Personally, I noticed a distinct improvement in my sleep within the first week - not in terms of the pattern, but definitely the depth. As a sufferer of headaches, they have been less frequent.
So are our two 'guinea pigs' who responded playing better golf?
"Yes!" says Nick without hesitation. "I’m now consistently playing to my 15 handicap. Before I was more like 17 or 18 and have been cut on the basis of two or three really good rounds.”
Says Sarah, who plays off single figures: "I've shot some good scores this year and my game is definitely more consistent than last year. Having only worn my pendant for half a season, I'm sure next season will prove even more conclusive and I'll certainly keep wearing it, because I don't get as wound up with myself if I hit a poor shot.”
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On the course, I found I, too, was considerably calmer and more patient between shots - traits I also noticed while playing cricket. My shot selection and patience at the crease was much better and the ability to judge each ball on its merits and forget the previous ball was definitely evident.
Our testers felt that Q-Link works both on a scientific and subconscious level - thanks to the tiny Sympathetic Resonance Technology chip which claims to ‘tune’ the body into its optimum frequency, promoting a mental strength.
The only concern was over price. Sarah rated the product as a seven out of ten and Nick concluded, “They’re not cheap. However, if they deliver the promised results for you, they’re value for money. If I was a club-chucker I would buy one immediately!
Q-Link pendants affect each body and mind in a different way. But if it works for you then it really is a small price to pay. Even Nick’s sceptical girlfriend was eventually won over! The only way you’ll find out it is to try one for yourself.
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