Golf now prescribed by the NHS
Reports show the health benefits of regular golf

There's a lot of reasaons why we all play golf. Whether it's to get out the house for a while, or get some time away from the wife, or simply for the love of the game. Well now you have a medical excuse to be out on the course with the lads this weekend.
GPs are now being urged to prescribe regular golf for their patients after reports found that levels of fitness, muscle strength and happiness were boosted.
The NHS has started a health programme, offering golf coaching to patients with respiratory conditions and heart disease. Family doctors from across the London, Birmingham and Hampshire areas were invited to take part in the new scheme.
Studies in South London found that patients referred for golf saw multiple new health benefits. This included boosts in self-esteem, happiness and life satisfaction, while their rate of vigorous exercise at least tripled.
Grip strength was also improved among the patients, which is a sign of overall health and longevity.
So the next time your partner moans that you play too much golf, have this knowledge armed and ready.