Dozens of Maxfli A10 balls to win

Tell us your travel tips and you could win a box of these elusive balls for Christmas

Dozens of Maxfli A10 balls to win

Dozens of Maxfli A10 balls to win
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12 dozen Maxfli A10 balls to give away

It’s that time of year when the clouds roll in, the temperature drops and Jack Frost sends us scurrying from our beloved tees and greens and on to mats and temporary putting surfaces roughly shaved out of the fairways.

Time then to remember glorious summer breaks or golf packages abroad that lived up to your dreams.

Allegedly 75 per-cent of ‘golfers’ give up the game until April while most of us soldier on in fleeces and waterproofs and under ‘preferred lie’ conditions and using golf balls we might be ashamed to be seen with during the summer months.

So those of you who don’t want the chance to win a dozen of reputedly the finest balls ever made and which now, sadly, have been discontinued, can look away now.

The A10 ball from Maxfli suffered from a change in marketing strategy but Golfmagic has been able to dip into the company’s dwindling stocks to encourage our members to tell us about their golfing breaks.

We’ve got 12 packs of a dozen Maxfli A10 balls to give away to those who tell us about

their favourite golfing destinations
at home or abroad (in less than 50 words) - a place they would recommend to other members.

Closing date is Sunday December 12, when we’ll pick 12 from the list of forum postings and make sure you get a special Christmas gift from Maxfli.

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