Norman ''set up'' by snappers
Greg Norman had his birthday ruined by two unruly press photographers who claimed he assaulted them...

Greg Norman had his 46th birthday spoiled by two unruly press photographers as he was celebrating in the evening with his agent Bart Collins and his caddie Tony Navarro. The evening was supposed to be a pleasant night out, but Norman had his birthday ruined and ended up having to give a statement to the Police.
Norman, who finished fourth yesterday morning in his own event was dining in a Sydney restaurant when the two snappers began taking pictures of them at their meal.
They were both asked not to take pictures by Collins and Navarro and while they were walking backwards, one of the photographers slipped and fell.
Norman broke his fall and the photographer then complained that Norman had assaulted him.
Collins said to a reporter: "They were walking backwards and one of them tripped over a step. Greg tried to break his fall and to help, but the man said he had neck pains and claimed Greg had accosted him.
"As soon as it happened we called the police and an ambulance, but it was the most bogus claim I've ever experienced and a complete set-up.
"The police said we should enjoy our dinner and then make a statement. There was no enjoyment and no birthday celebrations, though, and by the time we were through it was 12.15am.
"No charges have been pressed. It was an unfortunate situation where two guys tried to entrap Greg, but the facts were very clear and Greg did absolutely nothing wrong."
It seemed a clear case of entrapment when the other photographer present then began to try and syndicate the pictures around the world.