Learn Dufner's putting 'breathing technique'

Dufner focuses on breathing to aid 'subconcious, natural' stroke

Learn Dufner's putting 'breathing technique'

Jason Dufner has opened up about the breathing technique he uses while putting.

The 2017 Memorial Tournament winner started using the technique when he was sent a study by a friend regarding a doctor who works with snipers in the Marines.

"I'm just focused on my breathing," he said. "That's a conscious thought for me and then I let the putt and the motion of the stroke be subconscious and natural. I read the putt, get a feel for the line, and as soon as I'm over the ball all I'm thinking about is my breathing and not trying to make putts or anything."

"I know that there's been times with my putting that the thought process and my actions have felt like they've been sped up and too quick," he said. "And I'm trying to slow down and focus on that breathing. It's been working. I've been using it all year. This is the first time I've said anything about it. Some days I'm better with it than others. You think it would be pretty easy to be consistent with that, but some days it's not."

Learn Dufner's putting 'breathing technique'

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