No.4 FootJoy FITdogs

Latest shoe review

No.4 FootJoy FITdogs
FITdogs ­ built for

No.4 FootJoy FITdogs: Price £90

Colours: Black, brown, white/brown.

No two feet are alike I was told when being custom-fitted for a pair of
FootJoy FITdogs, latest in the range of waterproof golf shoes from the St.Ives manufacturers.

With most of us there's a difference of up to half a size between left and right and it was FootJoy who decided to do something about the disparity in golfers' feet and ensure every pair of their shoes fitted snuggly for every customer. They do this by supplying a selection
of specially developed insoles so you can mix and match for guaranteed

The Vari-Fit system, which includes a choice of three support cradles ­blue
for generous fit, green for snug and black for standard ­ with each pair,
has guaranteed that FootJoy remain the top-selling brand.

While style is a key consideration, FootJoy have turned the traditional
footballer's adage on its head by ensuring their combined minds have put
their brains in our feet, with comfort the main priority.

Visco-Elastic gel in the heel softens impact and comfort capsules under the
instep cushion the 150 bones in our feet.

Flexible Black Widow soft spikes (with Fast Twist threads to unlock a set of
14 cleats in 2-3 minutes) deliver added traction through the golf swing.


FootJoy seem to have thought of everything ­ except a pair of shoes that can
hole four-foot putts! Though we have had reports that cleaning the soft spikes can be a bit of a headache.

Golfmagic rating: 8/10

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