Swing Tip 3: Backswing

Now for step three, the getting the club up to the top

Swing Tip 3: Backswing

Swing Tip 3: Backswing


a) Collapse left knee
b) Keep left arm straight but not rigid
c) Turn your body in a barrel
d) Weight remains on balls of feet
e) Keep your grip pressure constant

Collapse left knee

Over-flexing your left knee, like McIlroy does, allows you to free up your hips during the swing.

Swing Tip 3: Backswing

Keep left arm straight but not rigid

McIlroy has one of the straightest arms at the top of the swing in professional golf - getting somewhere near that will give you a consistent backswing.

Turn your body in a barrel

Imagine your body is trying to turn in a barrel when making the backswing, moving your hips on the axis clockwise.

Swing Tip 3: Backswing

Weight remains on balls of feet

If your weight stays in the centre of the balls of your feet on the backswing then this will help the consistency at impact.

Swing Tip 3: Backswing

Keep your grip pressure constant

Throughout your swing, if you are a right-handed player, you should be applying more pressure with your left hand on the grip as this hand guides the club.


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