Swing Tip 4: Downswing

For stage four, let's bring this thing down 

Swing Tip 4: Downswing

Swing Tip 4: Downswing


a) Turn left hip then follow with arms and shoulders
b) Keep head still
c) Consistent spine angle
d) Move firmly onto left foot
e) Hit hard with your right hand

Turn left hip then follow with arms and shoulders

The left hip should be the first part of the downswing. Pushing your hips around clockwise towards the target with your shoulders and arms naturally following soon after.

Keep a still head

Keeping your head in the same place throughout the swing is important but especially as you make the transition from the top to the downswing as that is where mistakes can be made.

Swing Tip 4: Downswing

Consistent spine angle

The spine should be the centre point of your swing from start to finish and keeping it at the same angle throughout helps a consistent swing path.

Move firmly onto left foot

McIlroy distributes a lot of his weight on to his left foot during the downswing which gives you more power at impact.

Swing Tip 4: Downswing

Hit hard with your right hand

Push your right hand through the ball as hard as you can. Grip the club lightly so your wrists uncock during your swing.



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