Horsfield takes double time over the golf ball than a Paul Pogba pen!
WATCH: England's Sam Horsfield takes more than 25 seconds over the golf ball. Ridiculous...

If you're thinking Paul Pogba's bizarre penalty technique is painfully slow, just wait until you've seen English golfer Sam Horsfield standing over the golf ball...
We had been watching Horsfield earlier in the season and thought he was deliberate then, but during the third round of the Turkish Airlines Open on Saturday, the Englishman was seen taking up to 28 SECONDS over the ball...
While there is no set time limit for golfers when they're over the ball - unless it's the Shot Clock Masters - a recent golf book on this topic from Michael Mercier and PGA pro Mike Bender argue a golf shot should take no more than eight seconds from the time you set your lead foot and swing through to a finish.
GolfMagic readers recently debated the issue in our forum. Click here to check it out.
How long do you take over the golf ball? How long is too long? Share your thoughts in the forum debate or join us on social media.