Who is Matthew Fitzpatrick's caddie? Meet Billy Foster

Matthew Fitzpatrick caddie: Who is Matthew Fitzpatrick's caddie? Here is everything you need to know about the experienced looper Billy Foster.

Matthew Fitzpatrick with Billy Foster
Matthew Fitzpatrick with Billy Foster

Matthew Fitzpatrick's caddie Billy Foster is a legend of the game. 

Foster joined Fitzpatrick's team in 2018 and the pair have enjoyed considerable success together. 

Their biggest result so far was undoubtedly claiming the 2022 U.S. Open at The Country Club at Brookline. 

It was the first time Foster tasted major championship success. 

That was quite a remarkable stat, really, when you consider Foster has carried the clubs for the likes of Seve Ballesteros, Darren Clarke, Thomas Bjorn, Sergio Garcia and Lee Westwood. 

Foster has also caddied - albeit briefly - for Tiger Woods

Matthew Fitzpatrick
Matthew Fitzpatrick
Early years

Foster got interested in caddying after he was asked if he wanted to carry the clubs for a junior golfer at a European Tour event in Bingley, St Ives, in the early 80s. 

He never looked back. 

One of his first jobs was for the larger-than-life character Tony Johnstone. 

Had he not become a caddie, Foster has said he likely would've joined his father's carpentry business. 

"He made Victor Meldrew look like Peter Kay," Foster previously joked to GolfMagic, explaining his dad gave him the sack multiple times. 

"That miserable old git!"

Seve Ballesteros
Seve Ballesteros
Seve Ballesteros

Foster is known for his affiliation with the late, great Spanish golf legend Seve Ballesteros. 

Their partnership lasted from 1991 to 1995. 

Ballesteros won five majors in his career but they arrived before he hired Foster. 

Foster said it broke his heart - and Seve's - that he no longer could compete towards the end of their time together. 

Sadly, their last Masters together was overshadowed when the pair were involved in a furious argument in front of Raymond Floyd. 

Foster said that Seve was having a go at him and, despite biting his tongue by the time they reached the 18th tee box Foster snapped and yelled an expletive. 

Foster previously told NCG: "I got a lot off my chest but it broke the relationship and when I got home on the Tuesday I got a call from his manager saying my services were no longer required."

He later said they made up within weeks. 

Seve died at the age of 54 on 7 May 2011. 

Darren Clarke
Darren Clarke
Darren Clarke

Foster spent six years with Darren Clarke

Clarke won the 2011 Open but they had split by then. 

But they enjoyed Ryder Cup success together in emotional circumstances. 

Clarke played in five European Ryder Cup teams but his most notable appearance came in 2006, six weeks after the death of his wife Heather. 

Foster got himself in hot water with Clarke though when he told the team captain, Ian Woosnam, that his player wasn't at the races. 

Clarke got dropped by Woosnam and he laid into Foster. 

There was a happy, emotional ending, though. 

Clarke defeated Zach Johnson in his Sunday singles contest as Europe ran out winners by nine points at The K Club in Ireland. 

Foster said of that experience: "'I've been very fortunate to win a lot of nice golf tournaments with different players.

"But if I had to choose the one moment in my caddying that will stay with me, it is on the 16th green and Darren Clarke winning his match against Zach Johnson, winning the Ryder Cup, and ultimately winning it for Heather.

"Hugging him in tears on the green will stay with me forever. It was an incredible experience."

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Tiger Woods

Foster was hired by Tiger Woods for the 2005 Presidents Cup. 

Jack Nicklaus led Team USA to a three-point win over the International Team that was led by Gary Player

Foster reckons it was his hilarious exchange with Tiger at the 2002 Ryder Cup that got him the job. 

Before day one of the contest at The Belfry, Foster went to relieve himself. 

He heard Woods walk in, do his business, and sigh as the golfer realised there was no loo roll. 

Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods

Foster previously said: "I am walking out and I hear this little sigh. 

"Oh, he knows now that he’s in trouble. And it’s six minutes until he’s on the tee. 

"Oh, Tiger. But I can’t do it to him, so I roll up some paper, get down on my knees, and present it to him under the door.

"I was the hand of god to him in that moment. 'You’ll probably need this.' He grabs at it and then as I’m halfway through the door, I just say, 'Europe, one up,' and walk out. 

"He came out with the biggest smile. 'Billy Foster, I owe you.' I caddied for him at the Presidents Cup in 2005—I swear that’s why I got the job. 

"Not because I’m a good caddie but because I was the s---house saviour."

Lee Westwood
Lee Westwood
Lee Westwood

Foster and Westwood were together as player and caddie for 10 years. 

Westwood is one of the most decorated European players of the modern era. 

It was Westwood who decided to end things. 

"Mine and Billy’s working relationship had got to a point where neither of us were gaining anything from it and we weren’t doing each other any good," Westwood previously told bunkered

"I sat him down and said, ‘This is no good, I’m playing better when you’re not there than when you are there, so something’s obviously not working'". 

He added: "Billy has obviously been out here for years and is very knowledgeable and wants to use all that knowledge to help somebody, and I could see he wasn’t happy doing that,” added Westwood, who reached world No.1 with Foster on the bag.

"So it was just one of those things that had to come to an end. We’ve obviously had a great time the last ten years and been very successful, but I’m 45 now, not 35."

Matthew Fitzpatrick
Matthew Fitzpatrick
Matthew Fitzpatrick

Foster joined Fitzpatrick's team in 2018 afer splitting with Westwood. 

He was on the bag as Fitzpatrick won the DP World Tour Championship in 2020. 

And two years later they triumphed at the 2022 U.S. Open at The Country Club at Brookline. 

Fitzpatrick also won the U.S. Amateur at the same venue and therefore the stars were aligned. 

Fitzpatrick hit one of the shots of his life on the 72nd hole from a fairway bunker to eventually defeat Will Zalatoris by one stroke. 

"He didn't panic," Foster previously told GolfMagic. "A sensational golf shot."

Foster broke down in tears. 

Fitzpatrick later paid tribute to Foster, explaining: "I think that’s the one thing that I’ve learnt more and more certainly over the last few years, particularly with Billy on the bag as well, is just to stay patient and the birdies will come."

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