How do we know which is correct for us?

Start by figuring out whether you are left or right eye dominant.

Test this by creating a small circle using both hands and, whilst keeping both eyes open, place an object in the distance in the centre of this circle. Once the object is in the circle, close each eye one at a time.


How do we know which is correct for us?

Start by figuring out whether you are left or right eye dominant.

Test this by creating a small circle using both hands and, whilst keeping both eyes open, place an object in the distance in the centre of this circle. Once the object is in the circle, close each eye one at a time.

The eye that is open when the object remains in the circle is the dominant eye. Test again on another object to make sure this is correct.

I am lead eye dominant (left eye for righties, right eye for lefties) what does this mean?

This means you are most likely to see the line best by setting up with your lead eye over the ball. I have only found one exception to this rule. So for this reason, I would still follow the test as below for trail eye dominant golfers, to make sure of your perspective being correct.


I am trail eye dominant (right eye for righties, left eye for lefties) what does this mean?

Take the following test...

You will need a small mirror (putting specific is better) and either a few golf balls or string, a tape measure or similar. Line up the mirror square to your intended target line and then do the same with a line of balls (as pictured) or string if this feels easier to line up. This setup is perhaps better done on the putting green, however you could set this up almost anywhere.

Start by taking your set up with your lead eye over the ball, there is no need for a putter when you do this. Make sure your eyes are square to the intended target line.

Does the line of balls or string look like their going straight at the hole to you? If the answer is yes, then it is likely this is your desired address position. If the line looks left or right, whilst keeping the left eye in line with the ball and eyeline square, gradually move the eyes further inside the ball.

Has your perspective of the line straightened out? If so, attempt to figure out exactly how far your eyes are inside the ball when the line looks at its straightest. This will be where you should set your eyes when addressing the ball. Take note of the distance inside for future calibration purposes.

If the line appears to be drifting further away from the hole / intended target when the eyes are moving inside the ball, retry as above, but this time moving the eyes outside of the ball. As you move gradually more over, your perspective of the line should again be changing.

Where are your eyes when your perspective of that line is at it's straightest. Again, make note of your eye position for future calibration.


So how will this help me aim?

From experience working with hundreds of golfers, setting up with an better perspective of the line ALWAYS improves their ability to aim.

Yes this isn't the only factor that can change a golfers aim, but it is arguably the most important and is certainly something we can monitor.

Simply calibrating our address position every once in a while (or even before every round as Rickie Fowler does) can have a massive positive impact on our putting. This is why we see so many putting mirror on the greens at the Tour events.

Players calibrating their address positions to be the same every time.

The test didn't work for me, what should I do?

Try again. As I mentioned earlier, our ability to aim correctly is a huge ingredient in our putting pie. For some golfers (very few) a change in head tilt, stance or more can have an impact. Try everything you can to make your perspective of the line as best as possible.

For me, the first thing we must make sure in our set up, is we have the correct perspective on the line. helping us aim as consistently as possible. A putter aimed perfectly to our target is one that we do not need to manipulate during the stroke. If we wish to hit our ball on our intended starting line we can now achieve this with a much more simple motion.

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