Golfers SLAMMED by clubs for not repairing pitch marks
Golfers across the country waited months to be able to return to the course, but it seems that some have neglected their on-course responsibilities.

Golf clubs across the country have been left annoyed at the number of pitch marks that have been left by golfers on their greens.
Players were allowed to return to golf courses on March 29th, when the UK government lifted restrictions during the Coronavirus pandemic.
But it seems that many players have forgotten that while they can enjoy themselves playing the sport they love, they need to contribute to maintaining their courses as much as possible.
There will have been greens staff up and down the country preparing their courses and making them perfect for the return of golf, so it is sad to hear that there are some players who have not been doing their bit.
Pitch marks can leave deep holes and damage on a green, so it is vitally important that they are repaired before the damage becomes permanent.
Every golfer should carry a pitch mark repairer in their golf bag in order to repair as many marks as they can on each green. It provides great help for greens staff and helps to maintain courses throughout the changing seasons of the year.
There were many courses that took to social media to remind golfers of their duties:
Greens covered in pitch marks this morning
— accringtongolfclub (@ADGCgroundstaff) April 17, 2021
Just a quick note to all players an members ! If ya ya don’t want to repair ya pitch marks don’t play the course an ruin it for others!! Unbelievable Jeff this morning !
— Headgreenkeeper (@ClubWheatley) April 16, 2021
Few pitch marks popping up at the minute so just a reminder to repair to help us give you the best possible greens we can⛳️
— Furness Golf Club Old Links (@FurnessGC) April 13, 2021
Needing some warm nights, morning frosts are nice but meaning no growth. Barley going in irrigation lake to reduce algae and making water crystal clear before going on course. Please repair pitchmarks, never seen it so bad and only members at the moment. Cant blame visitors.
— Andrew Ramsay CM Mill Ride GC (@ride_mill) April 16, 2021
Captains Drive today . Good luck for the season ahead @killianmorgan13
Have to say that the Course was looking great but there are still a few of our club members who need to learn how to repair pitch marks and replace divots #— Loughgall Golf Club (@LoughgallGC) April 17, 2021