How to strike your irons PURE every single time
Golf student gains 28 yards with a 7-iron, and you could too, claims PGA pro Danny Maude...

If you are feeling a tad rusty with your irons as you head back to the course for the first time in a while during the coronavirus lockdown, we encourage you to check out this fantastic video on 'how to PURE your irons' with Danny Maude, Head PGA Professional at Canterbury Golf Club.
In the following video, Danny reveals how one of his students not only gained more confidence but also an impressive 28 yards with his 7-iron, and how you can do exactly the same by following these tips...
1. Get rid of the tension in your torso, and move your feet so you are not feeling static. With one hand, swing the club as you are walking to the right. Now get that feeling of the clubhead starting to swing. This starts to reduce the amount you come down - when you let the clubhead swing, it starts to bottom out, it starts to become softer and the angle of attack reduces.
2. Once you are feeling more relaxed, we need an easy way to direct the swing. The best way to do this is to give yourself a little goal to go through that is aiming at your target. I do this with two golf balls set up some two feet in front of you. Start to swing the club through the goal. This drill will give you great feedback, especially if you start hitting one of the balls. Keep hitting shots through the goal.
3. Now I want you to look at the tension of your swing on the way back. Swing the club into the top right-hand corner and then allow it to swing through the gate. Swing it back, swing it through.